Victims of Educational Malpractice H O M E S C H O O L I N G F O R A D U L T S |
Millions of parents are realizing that dropping their kids off in an atheistic school is a dereliction of their duties as a parent. But what about parents themselves? What about parents who are themselves
Today the United States is bankrupt, and Americans are despised around the world. And you are part of the problem. If America's Founding Fathers could travel through time, they would say you are a Victim of Educational Malpractice. Sure, you're better educated that most Americans, but that ain't sayin' much. You -- yes you -- are a victim of
educational malpractice. Our guarantee is simple. If you complete our assignments, you will experience You will become • An Extraordinary
American, (These were the goals of "the Father of the American Revolution," Samuel Adams, in the first letter he wrote to ordinary Americans through a network of communication known as "The Committees of Correspondence." Chances are, you are unable to understand what Adams said to ordinary Americans in 1772. You will be able in just a few months.) If you see America crumbling, but feel powerless to stop it, the
feeling of powerlessness you feel is your inability to diagnose America's
problem correctly. The reason you don't understand what's really wrong with America A Victim of Public schools in America were originally the product of the Protestant
Reformation, and its banner "Sola
These three things, to be taught in public schools, were set out in America's "Organic Law," the most fundamental charters of America's national existence. (You don't know what "organic law" means because you're a victim of educational malpractice. Go to your local law library and tell the librarian you want to see America's "organic law." It's in the library, but the librarian may say you're the first person to ever ask about it.) The U.S. Federal Government has banned the core curriculum prescribed by America's Founding Fathers for America's public schools. Education was primarily religious, not secular. America was a Christian nation, not a "secular" nation. If America's Founders could travel through time and have a conversation with you, they would say you are
We have created a homeschooling program for adult victims of educational malpractice.
Here's what you need to know:
These truths are life-changing. Are you ready to change your life, and change your
world? |